Day 16 Tesla Ruby Busy Day

Today was a busy, bust fun, day. For starters, I made bacon and eggs for breakfast. I use "I" loosely because Johnny and Don helped too. Everyone enjoyed, and it was yummy. It was essentially the first day of summer break!

We were down to our last 4 eggs, so Johnny and I headed over to Ball's Berries and Produce. Doxie just loves when Johnny comes to visit. They exchanged happy hugs, and we loaded up 6 dozen eggs, 1 1/2 pounds of fresh shelled pecans, 2 peaches, and a seedless watermelon.

On the way home, it rained on Ruby, and I noticed gas was down to a low of $1.96.

Johnny and I immediately changed vehicles grabbing my van and headed over to Michelle's house to deliver a filing cabinet and to set up her Amazon Echo Show. Johnny was proud to set it up for her.

What a change to go back to my 2006 Honda Odyssey! I had to use a key, manually adjust the seats, get used to NOT having regenerative braking, etc. Whoa!

We called Don from Michelle's Show and had our first video house-to-house call. Fun stuff.

Johnny and I rushed home again to change into our Tae Kwon Do clothes and go to class. This is our last chance to officially exercise until after the holidays.

Then we rushed home to go out to Chinese Buffet. We were celebrating Joey graduating from the 8th grade and both boys making the A/B Honor Roll.  
