Day 52 Tesla Ruby Movin' and Groovin'

Just another Saturday. Well, not really. I dropped Joey off at a video game birthday party for most of the day. The sky was beautiful with cottonball clouds. I discovered the Piney Grove Wilbon Road, our main way to get to Holly Springs, has been permanently reroute. Time will tell if this is a good thing.

I checked out the wetlands at the Holly Springs Wal-Mart. I saw quite a few Canadian Geese but no herons.

I stocked up our Pokemon Go potions hitting nearly every Pokestop in Fuquay. All of these raid battles have really been sucking up potions.

Back at home, I played with the cats and fiddled with my photos and enjoyed Don's company on the loveseat watching YouTubes and talking about the news.

For dinner, we went to the benefit at Guardian Angel. They had hot dog and hamburger plates and a live band. We weren't able to stay long but enjoyed ourselves. We picked up Joey from his party. Seems like he had a really good time.

