Day 57 Tesla Ruby More Coffee Please!

Oh my, that getting up at 5:30am is really starting to kick in. More coffee please! We all looked and felt so sleepy tbr>his morning.

I got the boys dropped off without incident.

This was I think the only day since we've had Ruby that she didn't have time to completely recharge to 80% overnight. Not to worry, I still started out the day with enough charge to do everything I needed to do.

After dropping the boys off, I went home via playing some Pokemon and taking pictures of Ruby in downtown Fuquay near some of the local art.

We had our septic tank pumped today, and one of the two cement lids broke. I'll be going to get a new one tomorrow. 20" square and $25 near an outlet mall. How bad can the drive to get it be:-)

I took pictures at Guardian Angel Thrift for four hours. We shot another 60+ items for their online store.
I picked up the boys just a few minutes later than usual. I'd say that Ruby is getting some extra attention now.

We stopped at Petsmart for cat litter and at a Zapdos Pokemon Go raid. Joey was able to capture the Zapdos, and Johnny got a second one. Woo hoo.

Home for chores, homework, and a nap before going to Tae Kwon Do. Good class. My hip is hurting my I gave it my best anyway.

After class, we stopped by the Fuquay library. We had a hold on the new Neil DeGrasse Tyson book Astrophysics for People in a Hurry.
