Day 64 Tesla Ruby Back and Forth

I put 131 miles on Ruby today which is a lot especially since I was inside Guardian Angel for 4 hours today.

I dropped the boys off at school with no problems except the usual all tired and me and Joey fighting a cold. Ugh.

I was back home where Donnie made me a wonderful breakfast of soft shell taco, egg, taco meat, and cheese. Yum! That hit the spot!

Linda and I really knocked out some picture taking at Guardian Angel. We shot over 65 pieces. Whew!
Ruby took a cool time lapse of the parking lot and ice machine with the clouds racing by overhead.

Back on the road to get the boys from school. Don offered, but the Sudafed I took was hiding my symptoms well. I took an alternate route into town and caught a different view of the skyline with my dashcam.

Back at home, I started dinner and Johnny did his homework with the cats for company. Soon, though, Johnny and I were back on the road to the school in downtown Raleigh to attend a trip to Italy information session. Johnny really wants to go. We intend to send him.

That's right, 3 trips to Raleigh today.  Back and forth and back and forth we go!

Started charging around 8:20 tonight so we can mostly rebound by 6:30am tomorrow.
