Day 76 Tesla Ruby Ushers in Fall

It was a rainy, breezy, cooler day in central North Carolina today. That didn't stop me and Michelle from doing our normal Tuesday shopping, though. We went to Guardian Angel Fuquay and Apex as well as Michael's Craft Store and Whole Foods. I guess the best thing I found today was an Annalee Indian doll and a Thanksgiving tablecloth.

At Whole Foods, we did notice some new signage announcing the Amazon purchase of Whole Foods as well as seeing a few reduced prices. We enjoyed pizza for lunch and eyeballed the cupcakes and cakes.

We spotted a very black Porsche 911 at Michael's and not on video had a nice conversation with the guy who owned it.

The boys helped unload groceries like usual, and I had a much needed night off reheating the pizza.

Don talks about our latest electric bill. Their estimate is a bit high for our usage, but still shows us saving quite a bit on TOU. Switching to TOU makes charging the car only a small increase over the bill we were used to getting anyway. Hopefully we can continue this pattern in the winter when I think the peak hours will be harder to avoid.

