Day 106 Tesla Ruby Sweaters and Robots

This Thursday was full of activities starting with taking pictures for the online store at Guardian Angel. Linda and I shot 60 Christmas sweaters. Wow!

I hurried back to the school after GA, and arrived just in time to start the robotics club. I got through most of my lecture and did the how to write a program activity using bread and jelly. Yum!

It was back home to a yummy post roast for dinner and then off to Tae Kwon Do. I can do all 4 forms back-to-back now. I should be ready for Saturdays 2nd pretest.

I'll go to pick Ruby up from the service center tomorrow AM after I drop the boys off at school. Just no time to do it today.

Instagram: TeslaModelXJourney
Twitter: TeslaModelXJour

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