Day 959 Tesla Ruby The Hunt Is On!

Today's the day...Don packs for his trip to Fully Charged Live in Austin, TX. I gave him a Tesla Cyber Truck t-shirt that I got off eBay, but he also has an official Tesla broken window Cyber Truck t-shirt on the way from the Tesla Shop.

Ruby's funky media/sound issues were fixed by putting on 2020.4.1 overnight. I messaged with Tesla service, and we decided not to bring Ruby in today. If you can't recreate the problem, you probably can't fix it. It maybe the dreaded eMMC issue, but it seems the flash memory has a bit more life left. Fingers crossed the problem stays gone for weeks if not months.

I started hunting for a Tesla Convoy Matchbox package. No luck:-( Seems collectors have been out in full force to try to get them. I checked the WM in Garner and FV with Johnny and then Holly Springs Target and WM and FV Kohl's with Don. I won't stop until I find one LOL.

We also watched the Tesla earnings call, and Don has some commentary on that. He's going back and forth with what config he wants for the Model Y.

For more details and the expanded story, please check out the video below where we show you our daily journey with Ruby the Tesla Model X.


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