Day 7 Tesla Ruby Makes Memories

Ruby is wearing me out. Today was day 3 out and about with the car. Today's trip was primarily to go to my chiropractor, but since I was going to be near Crabtree Valley Mall anyway, Michelle decided to go with me, and we shopped at the mall.

It's been 15 years since I ate at Kanki Japanese steak house. It was as good and as much fun as I remember. I loved the grill setting and the aniated chef.

We walked most of the mall so we could walk off our dinner. We mostly managed to stay out of trouble.

I continue to get quite irritated pulling into the garage at the end of the day. All the chines and the updating dash are irritating even if they are helpful. Yes, I know I can turn the chimes off. So far I haven't.

Joey was eager to test out the Rainbow Road Easter egg.  Way cool!
