Day 33 Tesla Ruby The Mom Taxi

I am trying to get all the boys' appointments out of the way before school starts. Today was phase 1. Johnny went to the dentist and the orthodontist. One is the AM and one in the PM. Two different cities.

No cavities. Hooray!

Joey wanted to meet friends at the movie theater late afternoon to see the new Spiderman movie. He said it was excellent!

I took Johnny to the Fuquay Splash Pad
to cool off and play with some other kids. He always does well making friends.

I'm totally worn out after going nonstop and driving 100 miles!

Don is working in the garage to install an analog electric meter so that he can measure the energy used to charge the car. Right now, we are using an inexpensive digital meter, and it shows our energy efficiency to only be 65%. Obviously we'd like to improve that. If the analog meter tells the same story of efficiency as the digital one, he has some ideas on how to explore things further.
