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Instagram: TeslaModelXJourney
Twitter: TeslaModelXJour
SmugMug: http://fotomom.smugmug.com
Blogger: https://millerteslamodelx.blogspot.com/
Today as definitely a busy day.
I took the boys to school and then worked my way over to the new Whole Foods in West Cary for their grand opening. The store is located at 5055 Arco Street. I got there at 8:20am, and there were already 150 people in line for a 9am opening. Wow! I didn't stay. All the freebies would have already been given out by the time I got to the door, and I really didn't have time considering I was meeting Michelle at GA.
Back at home, Donnie and I shared a hearty bacon and egg breakfast.
I did meet Michelle, and as it turns out, Ariel, but we didn't shop together long. They had to take off to go pick out their new Golden Retriever puppy. They pick him up next week.
I found a Christmas vest at GA Fuquay and then a Christmas pocketbook at GA Apex. I found a few other things too.
I had arranged with Don for me to pick up the boys because he was busy working on a cat platform outside for me...something to protect the dog houses from rain and getting wet inside. The boys figured out right away that we were heading to Whole Foods together. I had built a Pinterest board for Cat Houses, and Don looked at those to get an idea of what he could do. This is the picture that most inspired him:

When I got home, Don mostly had it done. Once I had everything unloaded, I helped clean up and move it into place. As of right now, Tux and Gray are sleeping on it.
Instagram: TeslaModelXJourney
Twitter: TeslaModelXJour
SmugMug: http://fotomom.smugmug.com
Blogger: https://millerteslamodelx.blogspot.com/
Today as definitely a busy day.
I took the boys to school and then worked my way over to the new Whole Foods in West Cary for their grand opening. The store is located at 5055 Arco Street. I got there at 8:20am, and there were already 150 people in line for a 9am opening. Wow! I didn't stay. All the freebies would have already been given out by the time I got to the door, and I really didn't have time considering I was meeting Michelle at GA.
Back at home, Donnie and I shared a hearty bacon and egg breakfast.
I did meet Michelle, and as it turns out, Ariel, but we didn't shop together long. They had to take off to go pick out their new Golden Retriever puppy. They pick him up next week.
I found a Christmas vest at GA Fuquay and then a Christmas pocketbook at GA Apex. I found a few other things too.
I had arranged with Don for me to pick up the boys because he was busy working on a cat platform outside for me...something to protect the dog houses from rain and getting wet inside. The boys figured out right away that we were heading to Whole Foods together. I had built a Pinterest board for Cat Houses, and Don looked at those to get an idea of what he could do. This is the picture that most inspired him:

When I got home, Don mostly had it done. Once I had everything unloaded, I helped clean up and move it into place. As of right now, Tux and Gray are sleeping on it.
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