Day 358 Tesla Ruby Road Trippin' and Superchargin'

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Instagram: TeslaModelXJourney
Twitter: TeslaModelXJour

Our dash cam DDPai M6 Plus
Our VLOG camera Canon G7X Mark II:
Camera stick
Tuck Visor

All music today from WeVideo and the YouTube audio library.

Today's video is extra long, but it's filled with some pretty cool stuff. First, we drove over 360 miles in one day...our longest trip in Ruby. We supercharged in Charlotte, NC and did some calculations to see how much charge we needed to get home. We wanted to take an alternate scenic route and not retrace our steps on the interstate. We also show the trip in EVTRIPPLANNER. We stopped at Tesla in Charlotte, and Don and Johnny sat in a red Model 3. We got a sneak peek into the service area, and I had fun taking lots of pics. My favorite is this B&W of Johnny in a midnight silver Model S. I took a pic of him in the Model 3 and the Model S, and he said the, "S is faster!" LOL. So that is now his FB picture. We did get home with 9% battery to spare after driving 5 over the speed limit and running the AC during our 3 major stops so the car never got warm. This is sortof an example of totally not conserving energy and just driving Ruby like we would have driven one of our ICE vehicles. I got my bank business handled, saw my parents former home in Monroe, NC, drove by the high school I graduated from, Parkwood High, and ate at Smithfield's Chicken 'N BBQ.
