
Day 2511 Tesla Ruby Plant Pilgramage

Day 2510 Tesla Ruby Making Room

Day 2509 Tesla Ruby Spring Improvements

Day 2508 Tesla Ruby Waiting and Adulting

Day 2507 Tesla Ruby I Swear I Scheduled It!

Day 2506 Tesla Ruby Don't Forget What You Came For

Day 2505 Tesla Ruby Situational Awareness

Day 2504 Tesla Ruby Loving Restoration

Day 2503 Tesla Ruby Assembly Complete - Boo!

Day 2502 Tesla Ruby Planting A Little of This and That

Day 2501 Tesla Ruby Clean Energy Career Fair

Day 2500 Tesla Ruby Sparkle an Shine TLC

Day 2499 Tesla Ruby Sticker Shock

Day 2498 Tesla Ruby Tesla in the News Again

Day 2497 Tesla Ruby Stop That Leak

Day 2496 Tesla Ruby Checking Off The List

Day 2495 Tesla Ruby Spring Has Sprung Projects

Day 2494 Tesla Ruby Haul It Home

Day 2493 Tesla Ruby Who Said Legacy X/S Wouldn't Get V12?

Day 2492 Tesla Ruby Bonding With Cats

Day 2491 Tesla Ruby Making the Rounds

Day 2490 Tesla Ruby Eclipse Day

Day 2489 Tesla Ruby Ego for the Win - Yard Tamed

Day 2488 Tesla Ruby Rent a Cybertruck

Day 2487 Tesla Ruby A Stroll Through the Garden Hut

Day 2486 Tesla Ruby Special Delivery Service

Day 2485 Tesla Ruby When Will Ruby Get V12?

Day 2484 Tesla Ruby Appointment, What Appointment

Day 2483 Tesla Ruby It's All About That FSD Update!

Day 2482 Tesla Ruby Happy Easter